World Tourism Day 2021
The restart of the tourism industry as an opportunity for improvement
About the importance of World Tourism Day 2021
World Tourism Day takes place on September 27th every year. The day was launched in 1980 by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
World Tourism Day has a different motto every year and is celebrated by tourists, employees in tourism, employees, partners and people from different social and cultural backgrounds. Tourism has been an umbrella term for travel, the travel industry and the hospitality industry since the 1980s,
which until then was called excursion. The industry is one of the largest branches of industry worldwide and, with around 100 million employees, is one of the most important employers. Cross-border travel accounts for 25 to 30 percent of world trade in the service sector. However
the increase in tourism in the countries and regions visited can be seen as a curse or a blessing for the local population. Nature conservation and culture are often neglected, while at the same time the newly created infrastructure creates new opportunities for the locals.

This year’s World Tourism Day 2021 has the motto “Tourism for integrative growth”. This is about a sustainable restart of tourism with the aim of improving the framework conditions in the industry for everyone – because travel affects economic, social and ecological aspects in countries around the world.
Because the COVID-19 pandemic has massive social and economic effects, both in industrialized and developing countries, with marginalized groups and the most vulnerable being hit hardest. Restarting tourism will help stimulate recovery and growth. It is important that the benefits that result from this are broadly and fairly shared.
The UNWTO has therefore declared World Tourism Day 2021 a day on which tourism is the focus for inclusive growth. This is an opportunity to look beyond tourism statistics and acknowledge that there is a person behind every number. The UNWTO invites its member states as well as non-members, sister organizations of the United Nations, businesses and individuals to celebrate the unique ability of tourism to ensure that no one is left behind as the world reopens and looks to the future.
World Tourism Day, celebrated on September 27 each year, is the world day when awareness of the social, cultural, political and economic value of tourism and the contribution that the sector can make to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals , is funded.
3 good reasons for a consious restart in the tourism industry

My personal conclusion
Now is the time to raise awareness of the new tourism industry.
CO2 compensation, green tourism and the eco seal can get even more attention.

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